Which story idea do you like the most?
- The mermaids have discovered a secret cave, but won't give away their secret without a little game: rum bottles holding coded messages around the island. When did Peter ever refuse a game? (45%, 173 Votes)
- The thinning out of the Lost Boys. What happens with the Lost Boys once they grow up? (20%, 77 Votes)
- Peter meets his former side-kick: the goat he had in Kensington Gardens (inspired by the original novel Peter Pan was first mentioned). (12%, 46 Votes)
- The Fae turn on Peter. He has to figure out what happened and how to regain their favor. (8%, 31 Votes)
- Peter got cursed by one of the treasures he found. He has to figure out which one and how to break the curse. (8%, 30 Votes)
- Peter Pan hears stories of an ancient artifact. He rallies the lost boys to find the treasure. (5%, 21 Votes)
- Peter lost his Pan flute and has to discover what happened to it. (2%, 8 Votes)
Total Voters: 386
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